
Biologists teach that all living things on Earth are related. Is there any solid evidence to back this claim? Join us as we explore the facts! We start with a close look at the origin of whales from land mammals, and then touch on the origins of several other critters, including our own species.

Explore Further

Special thanks to Dr. Hans Thewissen and Dr. Philip D. Gingerich for helping edit our script, answer our questions, and for getting us photos of embryos and fossils.

For Teachers

The content of this video meets criteria in the following Disciplinary Core Ideas defined by Next Generation Science Standards. Use our videos to supplement classroom curriculum.


Our videos benefit from guidance and advice provided by experts in science and education. This animation is the result of collaboration between the following scientists, educators, and our team of creatives.

  • Jon Perry
  • Jeremiah Deasey
  • Anthony Danzl
  • Rosemary Mosco
  • Jordan Collver
  • Tyler Proctor
  • Zaid Ghasib
  • Katie Hick
  • Eric T. Parker, PhD
  • J.G.M. Hans Thewissen, PhD
  • Joy S. Reidenberg, PhD
  • Philip D. Gingerich, PhD
  • Tom Cochran


  • The dolphin embryos shown in this animation come from spotted dolphins (they are mislabeled as common dolphins).
  • The adult shown is a dusky dolphin.
  • The source of the photo of a bowhead whale pelvis is mislabeled in the animation. It actually comes from the Department of Wildlife Management, Barrow, Alaska.
