
Natural Selection is one of the main concepts found within the theory of evolution. It was discovered by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace though Darwin championed the idea in his book On the Origin of Species.

Natural selection can be defined as the process by which random evolutionary changes are selected for by nature in a consistent, orderly, non-random way.

For Teachers

The content of this video meets criteria in the following Disciplinary Core Ideas defined by Next Generation Science Standards. Use our videos to supplement classroom curriculum.


Our videos benefit from guidance and advice provided by experts in science and education. This animation is the result of collaboration between the following scientists, educators, and our team of creatives.

  • Jon Perry
  • Jeremiah Deasey
  • Anthony Danzl
  • Rosemary Mosco
  • Zaid Ghasib
  • Eric T. Parker, PhD
  • Tom Cochran
  • Varinia Acosta, DVM
